Saturday, September 26, 2009

open letter

Dear S.

Lets not be sad that life has taken us in different directions, let's be happy that ours ran side by side while it did. I'll always wish you well, no matter if our paths cross again or not (I hope they do).

Hope; now there's a word. Hope, for me, means feeling something is possible, even when I can't see how. I have hope that you and I will always be a part of each others lives. I have hope that we will cheer each other on, comfort each other when we need it and always be the friend that the other needs.

Even if I don't say it often enough, I will miss you. Even if I don't say it loud enough, I'll always love you. Wherever I am in the world, I'll be wishing you well, cheering you on and wanting nothing but the best for you.



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