It's taken me forever to get the curtains for my bedroom; the windows are so tall that special ordering drapes long enough to cover them was a necessity that ended in frustration when it was cancelled for lack of stock. I happened, amazingly, to come across four panels that were long enough when i was looking for something else, and I snapped them up on the spot, regardless of the fact that they weren't exactly what I was looking for.
I went to hang them today after buying a ladder (which I had to carry home through the French Quarter) and found that not only were they still not quite long enough (108 inches), but the building has shifted enough that my efforts for hanging them with precision were actually counterproductive. I settled for measuring the distance from the floor to the rod so that they would just touch the floor, even if it meant they were a little uneven (you'll either tell at the top or at the bottom; I decided to be true to the floor instead of the ceiling).
The character flaws you find charming when not considering what you'll have to live with are still great enough that despite my task being harder than it needed to be, I don't really have much to complain about. It might not be exact, but nothing else is in the room either and the pursuit for perfection is, after the first rod was hung, something that I was spared.
Now I'll sleep, even when the sun is bright. I'll be able to have the privacy in my bedroom to not worry about getting dressed to go to my dresser just because it's near a window.
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